[de] [es] [it]after almost 60 years in lebanon, palestinian refugees are still facing harsh conditions in their daily lives. they suffer from severe housing conditions in the refugee camps, poverty, racism and many forms of social, political and legal discrimination. in dozens of jobs, especially in those requiring special skills and higher education, palestinians are forbidden to work. one result of this discriminating policy is being treated in this short film: many well-educated refugees can't find jobs and therefore end up as taxi drivers, day laborers or shopkeepers.

this short film was produced in bourj ash-shamali refugee camp, near sour (south lebanon). bourj ash-shamali hosts 20,000 palestinian refugees, mostly from the north of palestine. thousands of its residents work in day labor, meaning: hard work, low wages, no job and therefore no income security.

the 10-minute film is a result of a video-workshop by a-films in october 2007. it can be downloaded here (.mov/129mb) and here (.mpeg/322mb) on archive as well as here (.mov/129mb) on indymedia.
it can be watched here on youtube or below: