[de] [es] [it] [fr]these days, "a-films" produced and released a short video on palestinian refugees from the destroyed refugee camp of nahr al-bared who stranded in shatila camp, beirut. the war in nahr al-bared left tens of thousands of palestinians homeless. under fire and assuming they could soon return to the camp after their flight, most of them haven't taken any of their belongings with them.

until now, none of the refugees are allowed to return to the ruins of their camp. while beddawi camp near trablous, north lebanon, is hosting the majority of those who fled, thousands of people are scattered all over other palestinian refugee camps in lebanon.
full quality versions of the film are on indymedia (.mov/119mb) as well as here (.mov/119mb) and here (.mpeg/351mb) available for download. the film can also be watched on youtube: